OSCON Shows the Movement is Growing

One of our Executive Directors, Gregory Miller, had the opportunity to attend the O'Reilly Media's Open Source Conference this week in my home town of Portland, Oregon (his too, in fact).  Summer is in full swing here, although no major heat waves so far; we've been enjoying cool morning marine layer followed by a pleasant upper 70s low 80s by mid afternoon lingering into an evening ideal for Portland's many sidewalk cafes.  This was a perfect setting for a conference that continues to grow.  But maybe its just that people prefer to visit Portland in the summer more than struggle with the congestion of the Silicon Valley... and this year that included a considerable international presence of attendees. The OSDV Foundation was invited to host a panel session on the role of open source in elections and voting systems.  Here is a copy of Gregory's presentation from that well attended session yesterday.

We were equally fortunate to have a couple of other opportunities to share our story and work: a gracious mention of us during Tim O'Reilly's keynote by Bryan Sivak, the CTO of the District of Columbia, and a 20 minute interview with Gregory and O'Reilly Radar Managing Editor Mac Slocum.

In another post by Greg himself he'll provide the questions and his answers (as best as he can recall) from that interview for those more interested in skimming the text rather than sitting through the video replay.

We appreciate Tim O'Reilly's growing interest in our work to create publicly owned critical democracy infrastructure for elections administration and voting.  And we thank him for the opportunity to participate.

-Matt Director, Communications & Outreach


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Where We Stand on DC and Elsewhere